With the support from World Bank (WB), the project on technical support to construct power transmission network has been implemented since 2007 by Vietnam Electricity Regulatory Authority with the consulting of Mr. Neil Wanbran (New Zealand). The aim of the project is to construct the Regulations for the power transmission network in the competitive power market, including technical standards, operation standards, the annual power transmission plan, procedures of the connection to the transmission network, requirements of equipment and so on.
Conforming to the Electricity Law and the Decision of the Prime Minister of the roadmap to develop the power market in the nation, the Electricity Regulatory Authority of Vietnam has basically completed the design of the competitive market and is going to submit to the Prime Minister in quarter III/2008. The Authority is also carrying out the project on the technical support the detailed design of the complete competitive power market and the regulations on operating the market as well as settling the disputes in that market. In order for the market to timely operate, the Electricity Regulatory Authority of Vietnam is synchronically constructing the framework, ranging from regulations of electricity tariffs, the model power purchase contract, regulations on the techniques of the power transmission network, etc.
As revealed by the Electricity Regulatory Authority of Vietnam, the constructive ideas of representatives attending the workshop will help them complete the draft Regulations on power transmission network so as to build an enact the proper, practical and transparent regulations on power transmission network which is suitable with the conditions of our country.