The Chairman of EVN NPT checked the organization and operation work of the electricity transmission grids in the Northwest region

Thứ hai, 1/4/2013 | 15:38 GMT+7
From 26/3/2013 to 28/3/2013, Chairman Dang Phan Tuong of the National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT) led the mission to check the organization and operation management of the national transmission grid in the Northwest region. Participating in the mission were Mr Nguyen Duc Cuong- Board member; Mr. Vu Ngoc Minh – Vice President, Mr. Trinh Tuan Son- Chairman of the  Trade Union; heads of departments of EVNNPT and heads of Power Transmission Company 1 (PTC1) and North-West Power Transmission branch. ​

Chairman Dang Phan Tuong visited Son La 500kV Substation.

The mission visited and worked with most of the teams, substations of the Northwest Power Transmission branch, including Son La 500kV substation; Yen Bai, Lao Cai, Son La 220kV substations; Tuyen Quang, Pho Rang, Lao Cai, Muong La, Mai Son, Phu Yen, Viet Tri transmission line teams. At transmission line units and substations, Chairman Dang Phan Tuong has listened to the reports on organization and operation management of the subsidiaries as well as recommendations and expectations on working and living conditions by the employees.

After the mission, Chairman Dang Phan Tuong had a meeting with core employees of Northwest Power Transmission branch. At the meeting, the Chairman listened to the reports on organization and management of the Northwest Power Transmission branch and Power Transmission Company 1 (PTC1), as well as opinions by the EVNNPT’s Departments. The Chairman has recognized and highly appreciated the achievements gained by the Northwest Power Transmission branch over the last time, as well as reminded the employees to bring the gained achievements into full play, overcome all difficulties to ensure the continuous, safe operation of the transmission grid in the region.

During this time, the mission also visited and worked with Ban Chat Hydropower Project Management Board, visited the construction sites of Ban Chat, Huoi Quang Hydropower Projects to catch up with the progress of the projects in order to direct the implementation of transmission projects in synchronization with power generation and appropriate for the construction progress of the projects.
Source: EVNNPT