Transmitted power volume rises 11 percent last year

Thứ năm, 17/1/2019 | 14:53 GMT+7
The National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT), a subsidiary of the state-owned Vietnam Electricity (EVN) group, transmitted 184.5 billion kWh of electricity in 2018, up 11.03 percent from the previous year.


The statistics were released by EVNNPT General Director Nguyen Tuan Tung at a meeting in Hanoi on January 8 to review the firm’s performance last year.
He said the corporation has ensured the safe and stable operations of the nationwide transmission system, contributing to EVN’s efforts to supply sufficient power for socio-economic development and people’s daily needs.
Notably, the network’s operation has been substantially improved, with many projects to build and repair transmission facilities having been completed in recent years to address the transmission overload, Tung noted.
However, he also admitted certain problems, elaborating that the overload was still recorded in some areas. The 500kV north-south power lines are currently under strain as they will have to carry a huge power volume to serve the soaring demand in the southern region until 2020 and beyond, which may lead to higher power losses and breakdown risks, Tung said.
Meanwhile, the increase of renewable power plants joining the national grid from this year onwards will also affect the operation of transmission facilities, Tung added.
The General Director said numerous measures will be taken to continue ensuring the safe and stable operations of the transmission system.
EVNNPT has set the target of 203.2 billion kWh of electricity transmitted in 2019, up 10.15 percent from last year.
Source: VEN