Take up the direct power grid to nearly 400.000 suburban households

Thứ tư, 23/1/2008 | 00:00 GMT+7

In 2007, Hanoi Power Company (HNPC) took up the suburban power grid one year earlier than its plan.

After 60 last communes were accepted, which raises the total number of accepted communes to 110 ones with 379,873 households; the power networks in 100% of communes in suburban areas has been received by Hanoi Power Company and has directly sold electricity to consumers. However, one-half of the newly-accepted households in communes, approximately 200.000 ones, which are using the out-of-date network systems that are insecure and may cause power loss up to 30%. Those grids are in need of investment to improve the quality of electricity. As estimated, the necessary investment is about more than VND 2,000 billion.

Hanoi Power Company has invested over VND 100 billion in upgrading old power networks to meet the population’s demand and serve the production and business of the company.


The Labour