Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung in the meeting with the Minister of Cambodian
Ministry of Industry, Mine and Energy Mr. Suy Sem – Photo: Chinhphu.vn
Appreciating Minister Suy Sem’s visit to Vietnam, the Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung was glad to see the well-developed relationship between the two countries in all areas as well as the satisfactory result of the conference between Mr. Suy Sem and the Minister of Vietnam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade Vu Huy Hoang. Based on the agreement in the conference, the two Ministers need to carry out and expand the commitments to boost the commercial relation, investment, economic cooperation and the mutual understanding between the two countries.
The Minister Suy Sem said thanks to the Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung for finding time to welcome him and informed Vietnam about the satisfactory result of the conference between the representatives from the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Energy from Cambodia and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam, in which certain commitments about power sales from Vietnam to Cambodia through Chau Doc – Ta Kheo – Phnom Penh 220 kW line have been reached.
Mr. Suy Sem affirmed to support and boost the implementation of the mineral exploiting projects for Cambodia which have been signed with Vietnam Coal and Minerals Corporation and also the projects on developing hydropower plants in Cambodia of Vietnam Electricity.