6 first months of the year: lessen by 255 million kWh of power

Thứ sáu, 25/7/2008 | 16:02 GMT+7
In six first months of the year, due to the bad weather and that the water flow to all reservoirs was lower than the year-on-year level in 2007, the power sector has increased the imported power by 25.2% compared to the year 2007 and has put some new power generations into operations such as unit 1 and 2 of Tuyen Quang hydropower plant with the capacity of 228 MW and unit 2 of Dai Ninh hydropower with the capacity of 150 MW. At the same time, it has cooperated with localities to popularize solutions to save power. However, due to the rising demand of power, The Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) has had to decrease by 255 million kWh of power in the whole country.
The power production in the 6 first months of the year was 36,449 million kWh, a 14.8% year-on-year increase, of which the power production of EVN was 25,334 million kWh, a 10.7% rise; the imported power was about 11,115 million of kWh, a 25.2% increase. Power sales was 31,821 million kWh, a 15.6% increase, of which the power used for industrial production and construction accounted for 51.3%, a 20.1% increase, the power used for population consumption made up 40.2%, a 10.7% increase and the power used for business and hotels rose by 15.1%.  According to EVN, the rise of power consumption has been influenced by the higher prices of gas and oil, which has made customer switch to using electricity.
Theo: Thanh Mai