In short of 1,000 MW of power in June

Thứ tư, 18/6/2008 | 00:00 GMT+7
As said by The Electricity of Vietnam (EVN), the national power network will be in short of about 1,000 MW in June when a series of power plants stop operating to be repaired and upgraded.
As planned, the provision of Cuu Long gas for Ba Ria Power Plant will stop operating from 10th to 14th to repair the torch in the center technological frame.  Moreover, Ca Mau Power Company No.1 will stop operating from 15th to 27th in order to serve Siemens and the pipe connection.
Besides, as said by EVN, the feasible capacity of hydropower plants is in the low level because of the dry season. The water level of Hoa Binh reservoir is just 85m, so the feasible capacity is only 1,400 MW, which is nearly 73% of the standard capacity. Tuyen Quang, Italy and Tri An hydropower reservoirs are down to the dead water level, thus they can not make use of the designed capacity.
Meanwhile, the power demand is continuing to increase to around 240 million kWh/day in the beginning of this June. Therefore, the national power system still has to save power in the peak hours (9.30 a.m. – 11 a.m.) with the capacity up to 2,000 MW.
According to the National Power System Moderation Center, in the event that the 300 MW unit of Pha Lai Thermal Power Company No.2 and the 140 MW unit of Phu My Thermal Power Company No.4 is unable to generate power in June 10th, the restriction of power consumption in peak hours is even higher.
Theo: Vietnam News Agency